Tactical Global Solutions provides advice and recommended products for the defense of your home, work, family, and friends.

Police Training and GearTactical Global Solutions Corp (TGS) specializes in providing Risk and Threat Management for your home, business, school or medical facility. We focus on enhancing the safety of residential, retail and the workplace environment.  Our trained staff will teach you the capabilities to recognize dangerous situations in and vulnerabilities in your home and work environment.

Home Protection – Feeling safe in the place where you live and raise your children is one of the most important things that we can provide for families. We take the time to train and teach you the proper measurements to take in case of any trouble that can cause harm to your love one’s.

Business / Retail – We provide you and your customers with a safe and enjoyable shopping experience in order to achieve success in your business or retail establishment. We take the time to walk your facility and provide you with a security assessment that will identify your shortcomings and your weaknesses that can allow for criminals to exploit your productivity.

Educational Facilities – Our schools, colleges and educational facilities have the responsibility to create and provide a nurturing environment that promotes learning and education. TGS understands this and works directly with the Administrators and Educators to create and promote a safe educational environment for our children.

Medical Facilities – Our Hospitals and Medical facilities require unique understanding of the facility and the potential for problems. TGS works with Administrators and Hospital Management to match services to an existing Integrated Operations Plan. This ensures seamless operation and allows the Hospital or Medical Facility to provide the most flexible security plan to meet the needs of the facility, the employees and the patients.